OTUNNU Olara A (ed.)

Peacemaking and peacekeeping for the new century - Lanham, Md., USA: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998 - 352p.

A series of 15 papers presented during the 25th Vienna Seminar hosted by the Austrian government and the International Peace Academy in conjuction with the commemoration of the 50th anniversay of the United Nations.The objective of this seminar as reflected in this book was to recall back the fifty years of the UN experience in peacekeeping and peacemaking and to examine necessary measures to strengthen multilateral peace operations in the 21st century. Topics include in the seminar were:1. peacemaking and peacekeeping for the new century - Boutros Boutros Ghali2. preventive action and conflict resolution - Gareth Evans3. challenges of the new peacekeeping - Kofi A Annan
