ADIB Bencherif

Unpacking "glocal" jihad: from the birth to the "sahelisation' of Al-Qaeda in the islamic Maghreb/ Adib Bencherif -

Jihadist groups are often analysed either by looking at their global rhetoric, or by focusing on local grievances. These groups often belong to a complex "glocal jihad," meaning that the borders between local, national, regional, transnational, and global layers, are partially blurred due in large part to the symbolic dimensions and imaginaries shared within the broader jihadist landscape. When applying"glocal jihad" to Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) reveals the complex interconnections that exist between the different layers and the ambiguous spatial reality of the group. The glocal jihad is understood as a dialectical process and as a sequence of events and actions occurring in intertwined layers.