Transforming the Tatmadaw: the Burmese Armed Forces since 1988

SELTH Andrew

Transforming the Tatmadaw: the Burmese Armed Forces since 1988 - Canberra: Australia National Univ, 1996 - 202p. - Canberra Papers on Strategy & Defence; no 113 .

Describes the development of the Burmese armed forces which have doubled in size since the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) seized power in 1988. "The Tatmadaw has acquired a wide range of new military equipment, mainly from China, but the rapid growth has not been matched by an increased capability. The Tatmadaw's continuing political role and lack of popular support raise questions about its professionalism and future cohesion". There are separate chapters on the army, navy, and airforce.

0731524012 (hbk.): 23.00 A$