How do we fight COVID-19? Military medical actions in the war against the COVID-19 pandemic in France/


How do we fight COVID-19? Military medical actions in the war against the COVID-19 pandemic in France/ Pierre Pasquier, A Luft, J Gillard, M Boutonnet, C Vallet, J-M Pontier, S Duron-Martinaud, A Dia, L Puyeo, F Debrus, B Prunet, S Beaume, G de Saint Maurice, E Meaudre, C Ficko, A Merens, G Raharisson, B Conte, F Dorandeu, F Canini, R Michel, S Ausset and J Escarment - 2021

The commitement of the French Military Medical Service in the fight against COVID-19 in terms of helath management, cooperation with civilian health agencies, coping with shortage of medical equipment.