Advancing cyber diplomacy in the Asia Pacific: Japan and Australia/

MANANTAN Mark Bryan F.

Advancing cyber diplomacy in the Asia Pacific: Japan and Australia/ Mark Bryan F. Manantan - 2021

This article investigates the increasing prominence of deterrence in the practice of cyber diplomacy in the Asia Pacific. Using Japan and Australia as case studies, it argues that both states continue to adhere to the conceptual tenets of cyber diplomacy, however, in practice, there is a growing integration of deterrence-cyber capabilities and public attribution/naming and shaming-in the equation at varying degrees and intensities. The article endeavours to make two important contributions: First, revitalize the existing cyber diplomacy framework by challenging the extant literature's view of deterrence's limited application-underpinned by cold war analogies-and the implausibility of conducting attribution of cyberattacks. Secondly, evaluate Japan and Australia's cyber diplomacy based on empirical evidence.