From benign neglect to effective re-engagement? Assessing British strategizing and policies towards Southeast Asia since 2010/


From benign neglect to effective re-engagement? Assessing British strategizing and policies towards Southeast Asia since 2010/ Jurgen Haacke and John Harley Breen - 2019

The article makes three main arguments. First, British re-engagement vis-à-vis Southeast Asia has been multi-dimensional in character with an emphasis on defence and economic diplomacy, alongside efforts to achieve a separate new dialogue partnership with ASEAN. Second, the recent notable increase in the Royal Navy's presence in Southeast Asia and the surrounding region not only reflects the "Global Britain" narrative of Conservative Party policymakers, but also builds on more longstanding security and alliance considerations and institutional support that preceded the June 2016 Brexit referendum. Third, while British strategizing and policies may in the longer term yield the outcomes the UK wants, the effectiveness of the country's re-engagement for now is to some extent in question.