Alternative energy sources for Brunei Darussalam: CSPS study with Powertech Labs Inc, Canada, in collaboration with Energy Department, Prime Minister's Office and Universiti Brunei Darussalam /

DIANA Cheong LEE Keith C. STEPHEN James D, LEVINE Adam R. HOI Why Kong MONK Ronald J.

Alternative energy sources for Brunei Darussalam: CSPS study with Powertech Labs Inc, Canada, in collaboration with Energy Department, Prime Minister's Office and Universiti Brunei Darussalam / by Diana Cheong, Keith C. Lee, James D. Stephen, Adam R. Levine, Hoi Why Kong, Ronald J. Monk []... - Gadong, Brunei Darussalam: The Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies, 2012 - 139 pages; maps, illustrations; 26 cm. - CSPS Report .

This report, conducted by CSPS, explored the possibility of an energy future that is based on alternative energy sources and technologies, in addition to oil and gas. This energy future will ensure there is sufficient electricity for local citizens and for export, create jobs, meet environmental targets and create opportunities for Brunei to develop as a premier centre for energy research and development.
