Nuclear power and the spread of nuclear weapons: can we have one without the other?

LEVENTHAL Paul (ed.)

Nuclear power and the spread of nuclear weapons: can we have one without the other? - Dulles, VA. USA: Brassey's Inc, 2002 - 304p.

Concerns about the potential abuse of nuclear power have been voiced ever since atomic energy was first harnessed in the 1940s. This book argues that the problem is bound to become worse as more countries develop nuclear power stations and research reactors. In the 1970's concern was about less than stable countries acquiring nuclear technology, whereas in the twenty first century that concern extends to non-state groups and the possibilities of attacks on nuclear power facilities, the manufacture and use of dirty bombs or even a full scale nuclear weapon. Technology and economics have a role to play but the most important factor is the political will to control nuclear proliferation. Appendix 1 considers whether terrorists could build nuclear weapons.

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