The life and campaigns of Field-Marshal Prince Blucher of Wahlstaff from the period of his birth and first appointment in the Prussian Service, down to his Second entry into Paris, in 1815...

GNEISENAU August Neidhard

The life and campaigns of Field-Marshal Prince Blucher of Wahlstaff from the period of his birth and first appointment in the Prussian Service, down to his Second entry into Paris, in 1815... - London: Constable & Co Ltd, 1996 - 429p.

A facsimile reprint of the original 1815 edition.A biography of Field-Marshal Blucher (1742-1829), a Prussian commander who led the Prussian to fight against the French during the Napoleonic wars. He was well known for helping the Duke of Wellington of Britain in the final defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo after his severe defeat at the Battle of Ligny against Napoleon in 1815.

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